Sixth Day In Haiti!


February 27, 2013 — – Lebrun Village, Haiti.

Today was our sixth day in Haiti. We spent the morning observing in classrooms. I saw teachers really trying to put into practice what they have been learning in the teacher training classes. The teachers were interacting with their students singing, dancing and playing educational games. One of the classrooms was even painted bright blue and had some posters and other visuals displayed to improve the learning environment!

In the afternoon, we worked with the teachers doing some teacher training. One of the highlights was showing them a video that was taken yesterday of a teacher using music to teach his students French syllables. It was wonderful to see the expression on their faces as they saw themselves on the screen!
Finally, Emily (One of our Canadian volunteer) and Ezekiel (the volunteer being trained to care for the gardents) made even more progress with the vegetable garden. With a little guidance from Emily, Ezekiel was empowered to build the beds and construct a gate. Everything was made from the natural resources found in the village.
Progress is being made a little bit at a time.
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